#2 Spending too much time manually reviewing contracts to ensure compliance with new regulations
My team spends a lot of time manually reviewing past contracts to ensure compliance with new regulations, such as DORA. Is there a way to do this at scale using AI? This is solved by Robin AI.
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Company Name
Robin AI
Robin AI is Legal AI specifically for businesses. An AI-native company that makes complex legal processes like reviewing and searching legal documents and contracts quicker and more accessible. Robin AI is built on proprietary AI models, licensed data, strong partnerships with Anthropic and AWS, and world-class talent.
Robin AI's Legal Assistant is priced on a per-user basis, and Robin AI Reports is priced on a usage-based model.
London, United Kingdom
Contracts, AI, Compliance
Legal AI, AI Platform, Contract Review, Obligations Management, Audit & Compliance Tool
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If you would like to discuss your use case, schedule a call with Flora, the LegalOps editor at 20Minds.