AI and M&A
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is set to transform nearly every sector of productive activity. As AI continues to evolve and customer expectations become more technology-driven, mergers and acquisitions (M&A) will be essential for companies aiming to stay competitive. This guide brings together more than 20 leading experts from various fields and jurisdictions to discuss the critical strategic, legal, and tactical considerations for planning and executing transactions involving AI-focused companies.
The State of AI
AI is set to transform nearly every sector of productive activity, but the path and pace of this transformation remain uncertain.
The world’s most comprehensive regulatory framework has come into effect. What are its key features?
Intellectual Property
IP rights in AI are a double-edged sword: using IP-protected data to train models risks infringement, while ownership of AI-generated outputs raises new questions.
All articles
The EU Foreign Subsidies Regulation: Prepare to Succeed
Andreas Reindl, Catherine Gordley
Van Bael & Bellis

Trade Sanctions
Adapting to Fast-Evolving Trade Sanctions
Daniel Martin, David Savage
Holman Fenwick Willan

Russian Sanctions
Sanctions on Russia: Challenges and Potential Solutions
Satish Kini, Alan Kartashkin

Downloadable Assets
EU AI Act Timetable
Existing Obligations for AI Systems Brazil
Explainer Sheet: EU AI Act
Explainer Sheet: Regulating AI
Explainer Sheet: State of AI
Key Investment Screening Cases
The AI Value Chain
US AI Regulation Snapshot
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