Global Trade & Investment

Geo-economic competition, global tensions and national security concerns have ushered in a period of regulatory fragmentation. This guide brings together 20 leading experts from various fields and jurisdictions to discuss how businesses adapt to the changing rules underpinning cross-border trade and investment.

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Open Access
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Financial Regulation: A Stable Zone Amid Global Frictions?

Stuart Davis, Gabriel Lakeman

Latham & Watkins

Open Access
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6 reasons the Indo-Pacific became a battleground for US-China influence

Robin Hu

Milken Institute

Open Access
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Trade & FDI

Tariff Scenarios for 2025: Triggers and Fallout for Trade & FDI

Simon Evenett

IMD Business School

Open Access
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Ethics & Compliance: Doing the Right Thing, Everywhere?

Adam Hunt



AI standards: killing two birds with one stone?

Kevin Schawinski

Modulos AG


Investigations: How to prepare, how to respond

Cynthia J. Cole

Baker McKenzie

National Security

CFIUS and China: You say de-risking, I say decoupling

Rod Hunter

Baker McKenzie

AI Governance

AI and Regulatory Readiness in M&A

Christoph Werkmeister



The EU Foreign Subsidies Regulation: Prepare to Succeed

Andreas Reindl, Catherine Gordley

Van Bael & Bellis


Anti-Dumping: The Ripple Effect Across Global Markets

Bregt Natens

Baker McKenzie


AI Liability Risks

Tim Wybitul

Latham & Watkins

Trade Sanctions

Adapting to Fast-Evolving Trade Sanctions

Daniel Martin, David Savage

Holman Fenwick Willan


Global Merger Control: Keeping M&A Deals on Track

Gil Ohana

Davis Polk


Insuring against AI-related risks in deal-making

Sandra Lee

BMS Group


Venture Capital

Felix Blobel



Startups and AI Regulation: An Israeli Perspective

Masha Yudashkin

Barnea Jaffa Lande

Russian Sanctions

Sanctions on Russia: Challenges and Potential Solutions

Satish Kini, Alan Kartashkin



In the Markets: China

Raymond Chan, Jeffrey Ding and Gil Zhang

Fangda Partners


In the Markets: Germany

Torsten Kraul



In the Markets: United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Chris Lester, Ksenia Koroleva

Latham & Watkins

Trade Regulation

What happens in Geneva?

Jan Walter



An Unruly World: Why Traditional Strategies No Longer Work

Sean West

Hence Technologies


In the Markets: Brazil

Paulo Brancher

Mattos Filho

Trade & Investment

Regulating Trade and Investment in the Aerospace, Security and Defence (ASD) Industries: Key Concerns & Common Misconceptions

Sabine Naugès

McDermott Will & Emery


When data is crossing borders

Lothar Determann

Baker McKenzie


Foreign Subsidies: Benefit or Threat?

Elżbieta Glowicka, Anselm Mattes

E.CA Economics

authors & editorial committee

Contributing Authors
Adam Hunt
(Acting) Head of Risk & Compliance, Lime
Alan Kartashkin
Partner, Debevoise
Andreas Reindl
Managing Partner, Van Bael & Bellis
Anselm Mattes
Director, E.CA Economics
Bregt Natens
Counsel, Baker McKenzie
Catherine Gordley
Counsel, Van Bael & Bellis
Daniel Martin
Partner, HFW
David Savage
Partner, HFW
Elżbieta Glowicka
Director, E.CA Economics
Gabriel Lakeman
Partner, Latham & Watkins
Gil Ohana
Counsel, Davis Polk
Jan Walter
Senior Policy Advisor, Akin
Lothar Determann
Partner, Baker McKenzie
Robin Hu
Asia Chair, Milken Institute
Rod Hunter
Partner, Baker McKenzie
Ross Ferguson
Partner, Paul Weiss
Sabine Naugès
Partner, McDermott
Satish Kini
Partner, Debevoise
Sean West
Co-founder, Hence Technologies
Sebastian Vos
Partner, FGS Global
Simon Evenett
Professor of Geopolitics & Strategy, IMD Business School
Stuart Davis
Partner, Latham & Watkins
Editorial Committee
Alexandra Rotter
Anne Vogdt
Anselm Rodenhausen
Arwa Hamdieh
Başak Köklü
Carsten Kraus
Daniel Sohn
Daniel van Geerenstein
Francine Godrich
Friederike Anna Dratwa
Heiko Roth
José Eduardo Tinen
Kirstie Nicholson
Krischan Schmitt
Kully Thandi
Larisa Angstenberger
Laura Aznar Belda
Laura Lißner-Hölschermann
Lucia Loyo
Margarita Yao
Martyn Cuff
Matthias Thom
Michael Astle
Natalie Gutteridge
Peter Ruttmann
Rabia Sattar
Rahman Nayil
Rok Lasan
Sarah Nashaat
Scott Rissmiller
Shanti Ariker
Shirley Fodor
Solomon Osagie
Sophie Levy
Susann Wolfgram
William Woong Chul Park
Yemisi Oni

Downloadable Assets


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BRICS Surpasses G7 in GDP PPP


Open Access
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Challenges for Exiting Russia Amid Sanctions


Open Access
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China vs India Key Socioeconomic Indicators


Open Access
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Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) - Regional Comparison


Open Access
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Countries Listed as Unfriendly by Russia


Open Access
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FSR Disclosure Requirements vs Confidentiality Clauses


Open Access
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Impact of U.S. Tariff Scenarios with Varying U.S. Dollar Strength


Open Access
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Investment Screening: What does CFIUS do?


Open Access
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Merger Control: Global Overview


Open Access
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Recent Anti-Subsidy Investigations in the EU


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Sanctions & Export Control Compliance Program

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