#3 Spending too much time on administrative tasks
My team spends too much time on administrative tasks, like sending RFPs to external law firms. How can we make this more efficient? This is solved by Zaven.
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Company Name
Zaven is a marketplace that enables corporations to purchase legal services faster, smarter, and more cost-effectively. Corporations draft their Requests for Proposals and invite law firms to submit fee proposals on the marketplace. They then assess the proposals and select the winning bidder. Zaven's intuitive automation, standardisation, and smart data sharing boost efficiency and support data-driven decision-making. Corporations can use Zaven free of charge.
Zaven is absolutely free of charge for corporations. No subscription fee, no integration needed.
London, United Kingdom
Process Workflow, Collaboration, Transaction Management
marketplace, procurement, buying legal services, law firm hiring, AI
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If you would like to discuss your use case, schedule a call with Flora, the LegalOps editor at 20Minds.